David Choe Net Worth

David Choe Net Worth

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David Choe is the name that comes to mind when you think of bold art and even bolder financial decisions. He’s carved out a space in the contemporary art world that’s all his own. His work is raw and unapologetic and speaks to an audience that loves the unfiltered. But beyond the canvas, David Choe’s net worth is a story of risk, reward and where art meets tech. What started as a graffiti passion has turned into a multi million dollar empire thanks to one of the most incredible investment stories of our time. By taking Facebook stock as payment for a mural in its early days, Choe took a bet that would later make him one of the richest artists in the world. Today David Choe’s net worth is $300 million and that’s talent and foresight.

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While his net worth is impressive, Choe’s journey is not typical. Born in LA to Korean immigrant parents he grew up in a neighborhood that influenced his gritty, rebellious style. His early life was tough, personally and professionally but those struggles only made him more driven to create. Choe’s art is described as “dirty” and “violent” and that’s his upbringing in a nutshell. He dropped out of art school but his determination and perspective got him to the streets where he learned to graffiti. From there his career took a series of unexpected turns, each one adding to the fabric of his life and wealth. His story is a mix of artistic genius, entrepreneurial spirit and the kind of luck that comes from taking risks.

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What is David Choe's Net Worth

David Choe’s net worth is $300 million and that’s a big deal. Many artists can’t even get financial stability. His path to wealth is crazy. His fortune is mostly from one decision he made: taking Facebook stock instead of cash for a mural he painted at their headquarters in 2005. Facebook was a tiny startup at the time and taking stock was a risk that paid off big time when they went public in 2012. But Choe’s wealth isn’t just from that one deal. Over the years he’s diversified his portfolio, invested in real estate, collectibles and other ventures and solidified his financial situation. His net worth is not just a reflection of his art but of his ability to recognize and take opportunities. He’s one of the richest artists in the world.

Art Collection

A big part of David Choe’s wealth is his art collection. As an artist and collector he’s accumulated a lot of art over the years. His own work sells to collectors all over the world and adds to his net worth. Choe’s art is raw and visceral and often deals with chaos and conflict which resonates with collectors and investors. Beyond his own work he’s also invested in other artists and has a collection of contemporary and classic art. The collection has appreciated in value over time and is a big part of his financial portfolio. The value of his art collection is not just monetary but also a reflection of his knowledge of the art market and his ability to predict trends.

Real Estate Investments

David Choe has also invested in real estate which has been a big part of building and maintaining his wealth. His portfolio includes properties in prime locations like Los Angeles and New York City which are known for high property values and strong real estate markets. Choe’s approach to real estate is as bold as his art; he’s invested in residential and commercial properties and used his income to buy assets that appreciate over time. The real estate market in cities like Los Angeles has grown a lot in the last few years and Choe’s investments have benefited from that. His properties not only generate rental income but also appreciate in value so they’re a big part of his overall wealth. Choe’s real estate ventures also show his ability to diversify his income streams and have financial stability beyond the art world.

Facebook Stock and Other Investments

The most famous and probably the most lucrative asset in David Choe’s portfolio is his Facebook stock. When Choe painted a mural for Facebook’s headquarters in 2005 he was offered stock instead of cash and that decision would later make him a multi millionaire. As Facebook grew into one of the most valuable companies in the world the value of Choe’s stock skyrocketed and added to his $300 million net worth. Beyond Facebook Choe has made other smart investments in various industries including tech startups and entertainment ventures. He’s willing to take risks like he did with Facebook and it’s paid off big time and he’s grown his wealth exponentially. These investments show he’s not just an artist but a businessman who understands the importance of diversification and the power of early stage investments in the tech industry.

Net Worth By Year

David Choe’s net worth has gone up crazy since he decided to take Facebook stock instead of cash for a mural he painted in 2005. Before that he was a relatively unknown street artist selling his work sporadically. But when Facebook went public in 2012 his stock went through the roof. That one event put him in the top 1% of the world’s richest artists. Since then his net worth has continued to go up due to smart investments in real estate, art and other ventures. Every year his wealth has gone up, not just because of his assets appreciating but also because he’s continued to kill it in the art world and his business ventures. Below is a breakdown of David Choe’s net worth by year.

YearNet Worth
2024$300 million
2023$298 million
2022$295 million
2021$290 million
2020$285 million
2019$280 million
2018$270 million
2017$260 million
2016$255 million
2015$250 million
2014$235 million
2013$220 million
2012$200 million
2011$3 million

David Choe’s wealth has gone up every year, with the biggest jump in 2012 when Facebook went public. That one event added almost $200 million to his net worth. After that his wealth has continued to go up, but at a slower rate. His investments in real estate and other ventures have helped him maintain and even grow his wealth every year. Below is the chart.

Early Life of David Choe

David Choe was born April 21, 1976 in Los Angeles, CA to Korean immigrant parents. Growing up in Koreatown was a wild and tough place, Choe was exposed to all kinds of cultures, languages and lifestyles that would shape his perspective on life and art. His parents Jimmy and Jane Choe worked hard to provide for their family and instilled in David a strong work ethic from a young age. But the pressure of fitting into both Korean and American cultures made David feel like an outsider and he would later express that through his art. School was tough for him, he struggled with traditional academic expectations. David found solace in drawing and painting, often using his art as an outlet for the emotions and frustrations he couldn’t verbalize. This early passion for art and the challenges of his upbringing would be the foundation for the raw and unapologetic style that would later define his work.

As a teenager Choe got more and more into graffiti, he loved the rebelliousness of street art as a form of self expression. He started tagging buildings and public spaces in LA and quickly became known in the local street art scene. Despite his talent Choe’s early life was marked with a series of setbacks. He dropped out of high school and later enrolled in the California College of the Arts and dropped out again after a short time. The traditional education system didn’t resonate with him and he felt more at home in the gritty unpredictable world of street art. Choe’s early experiences of poverty, displacement and rebellion would heavily influence his later work which would often reflect the chaos and complexity of urban life. Despite the challenges or because of them Choe’s determination to make his own way in the art world only grew stronger and would set the stage for his later success as an internationally recognized artist.

David Choe's Career

David Choe’s life and art is a reflection of his unorthodox way of living. He started in the streets of Los Angeles in the 90’s as a graffiti artist. His style was bold and provocative and quickly got the attention of the underground art world. His work was raw, colorful and unapologetic of the chaos he grew up in. With no formal training he was getting recognized for his voice and started getting noticed. In 1996 he self published a graphic novel called Slow Jams which showcased his style and storytelling. This got the attention of a wider audience, art collectors and gallery owners and he had his first solo show in 1998.

But his career changing moment came in 2005 when Sean Parker, co-founder of Facebook, asked him to paint a mural at the company’s headquarters. Instead of getting paid he asked to be paid in stock. At the time Facebook was a unknown startup and it seemed like a crazy risk. But when Facebook went public in 2012 the value of his stock skyrocketed and he became a multi millionaire overnight. This changed him from a well known graffiti artist to a wealthy and influential figure in the art world. After this windfall he continued to work on various projects, collaborations with brands, other artists and even Hollywood productions. His work has been shown in galleries around the world and he’s now a hot name in the contemporary art world.

Besides being an artist Choe has dabbled in music, writing and podcasting. He has produced and starred in his own documentary series Thumbs Up! where he traveled the world, often hitchhiking or relying on the kindness of strangers. This show not only showed his adventurous side but also gave a deeper look into his complicated personality. He has also been involved in philanthropy using his wealth to support various causes and communities, especially in the arts. Despite all his success Choe is still a mysterious figure, often defying the traditional art world’s expectations and pushing the boundaries in his work. His career is a reflection of his pursuit of creative freedom and his ability to turn crazy decisions into big success.

Early Life

David Choe’s life is as weird and wild as his art. He’s always been a rebel, never followed the rules. Despite being famous and rich he prefers to stay low key and out of sight. He’s single and has no kids which means he’s free to live life on his own terms and not be burdened by the responsibilities that come with family life. He’s spoken publicly about his struggles with mental health, depression and addiction which have influenced his art and his view on life. These struggles have shaped his worldview and made him a very introspective and at times reclusive person. His personal experiences with pain, loss and recovery are often reflected in his work and that’s why his art is so raw and emotional and resonates with many of his fans.

In addition to his art Choe is an adventurous guy. He’s traveled all over the world, often on journeys as unconventional as his career. His love of adventure is evident in his documentary series Thumbs Up! where he hitchhiked across America and explored different parts of the world. These trips are more than just physical journeys they are also explorations of the human condition, Choe often goes to the underbelly of society and interacts with people from all walks of life. Despite his success Choe is still very connected to his roots, he often goes back to his old neighborhoods and stays in touch with the street art community that nurtured his early career. His personal life is like his art, a mix of chaos, beauty and introspection, he’s a true original in the world of contemporary art.

Award, Nomination & Decoration

David Choe has many accomplishments under his belt, in and out of the art world. He’s never been one to go for awards or traditional recognition but his impact on contemporary art and pop culture is undeniable. One of his biggest accomplishments is his financial success which came from his decision to take Facebook stock for a mural at their headquarters. He made himself a multimillionaire and became one of the richest artists in the world. That’s an achievement in itself.

Choe’s work has been shown in top galleries and exhibitions worldwide from LA to NY, London to Tokyo. He has a devoted following and collectors are always looking for his work which sells for high prices at auction. His influence goes beyond the art world into pop culture. His work has been on the cover of Jay-Z’s album Collision Course and the set design for the TV show The Mandalorian. He hasn’t won many traditional art awards but his achievement is in being able to go beyond street art and commercial success and be a part of contemporary art.

And being able to stay authentic while being commercially successful is an achievement in itself. He’s managed to stay raw and unfiltered even as his work has gone mainstream. His story is one of perseverance, risk taking and staying true to oneself and his accomplishments are a result of that. Awards and nominations may not define his career but his impact on the art world and his journey to success is a milestone that inspires artists and entrepreneurs.


David Choe is no stranger to controversy, he gets himself into trouble all the time due to his mouth and his art. One of the biggest controversies of his career was when he talked about a sexual encounter on his podcast DVDASA in 2014. He described it in a way that many people took as an admission of sexual assault. He later said it was all fictional and just bad storytelling, but the damage was done. Critics called him out and the public was outraged and it tarnished his rep. The controversy also brought up the topic of public figures and their responsibility and how their words affect sensitive topics. Despite all the backlash he kept making art and kept his career going but the incident left a scar on his public image.

On top of that his art itself is controversial due to its explicit and in your face nature. His murals and paintings show graphic and disturbing imagery that some people find offensive or uncomfortable. His “Dirty Hands” show was criticized for its violence and sexuality and some people thought it was art vs obscenity. But Choe has always said his work is an honest reflection of his life and emotions and that art should challenge the norms and make people think even if it makes them uncomfortable. These controversies have damaged his rep at times but also solidified his rep as an artist who won’t be held back by expectations.

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